In the early months of 2000 we were asked by the “Wattenscheider Tafel” to get involved as Pauluskirche in their food distribution program for needy people at our church. We were thus one of the first churches to work as partners of the Tafel in Bochum

Our involvement was initiated by Pastorin Heike Lengenfeld-Brown. Today’s voluntary helpers are members both of the German congregation at the Pauluskirche and of the ECC.

At first our group handed out pre-packed bags, but quickly we learned that people have different needs: There are homeless people (living on the street) who are unable to cook. Others are Moslems, etc. or vegetarians. So we decided to give out food on an individual basis.

Our food distribution takes place every Tuesday at 1:00 pm at the rear of the church. Numbers for controlled administration are handed out to the people 15 minutes in advance and the group of volunteers assists an average of 50-60 customers weekly in filling their bags with the food products which have been donated to the Tafel by supermarkets and foodstores.

Helpers are always welcome to augment our team of volunteers


Special Recognition

On Saturday 17 April 2010 the Wattenscheider Tafel celebrated the 10th anniversary of its founding with a reception at its depot in Laubenstraße 19, attended by Bochum’s Lady Mayor Dr. Ottilie Scholz and the President of the German Parliament, Prof. Dr. Norbert Lammert. As part of the ceremony, Tafel founder Manfred Baasner presented members of the Pauluskirche team with the Silver Medal of the Wattenscheider Tafel and a certificate in recognition of the ten years of constant voluntary work for the Tafel that the team has contributed to the project over the years

More information on the Wattenscheider Tafel and its work is available (in German) on the Tafel website: