Watchword for the Week:
Thus says the Lord, the King of Israel, and his Redeemer, the Lord of hosts:
I am the first and I am the last; besides me there is no god. (Isaiah 44:6, NRSV)
(Moravian Daily Texts)

Bells & Prelude:

Hymn: Seek ye first the kingdom of God (Church Hymnary, No. 641)

Reading: Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43 (The Parable of the Weeds)

Reflection: Welcome to Gardeners’ World!

Hymn: Christ, be our light! (Church Hymnary, No. 543)

A Slow Prayer: found on the Prayer Matters website

Blessing: sung by members of the ECC Choir

  • Notices:

    During the summer months, a Bible study series is will be taking place on Parables in Matthew’s Gospel. Sessions will be online, with the option of outdoor sessions for those who prefer to meet in person. Please contact Pastor Jimmy if you are interested in participating. More details coming soon.

    Daily worship, prayers, pastoral guidance, and other resources are available on the Scottish-based Sanctuary First website, the aim of which is to develop new ways for people to connect with God, spirituality, and one another.The World Council of Churches’ ecumenical prayer cycle this week focuses on the three Eastern and Central African countries: Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo (formerly Zaire) and Rwanda.

    The Pauluskirche is still not yet open again for gathered worship, but it remains open from Tuesday to Friday between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. and on Sundays from 10 a.m. till noon for individual and private prayer. Please observe standard precautions such as physical distancing when you enter the church. The steering committee of our host German parish that is responsible for deciding when worship may resume in church will next meet on Monday, 3 August, after which we hope to know more.

    Visit the Kirchengemeinde Bochum website for information and updates (in German) on their coronavirus measures, which directly affect us. The site also includes links to religious and reflective offers (also in German), such as weekly reflections and Kraft der Musik, with trumpet music.

    Our weekly offerings during worship are our congregation’s main source of income. The corona crisis has put a stop to this, so please consider making donations by bank transfer in order that the ECC may continue to cover ongoing costs. Bank account details are shown below. Thank you.


Bank Account “Englische Gemeinde”
IBAN: DE89 4305 0001 0001 4132 36
(Sparkasse Bochum)

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