Live the Story workshop
Wednesday, 16 April at 19:30 hrs. Live the Story workshop │ Pariser Str. 4-6 John 20:1-18 Encounter at the Empty Tomb
Wednesday, 16 April at 19:30 hrs. Live the Story workshop │ Pariser Str. 4-6 John 20:1-18 Encounter at the Empty Tomb
Friday, 7th March at 19:00 hrs. Joyful Singers practice │ Pariser Str. 4-6 New members are very welcome.
Wednesday, 5 March at 18:00 hrs. ECC Choir practice │ Pauluskirche New members are very welcome.
Wednesday, 19 February at 19:30 hrs. Bible Study: #5 “Yours, mine, ours, God’s – Possession is half the law?” (Malachi 3:8- 12; Acts 4:32 – 5:11) – Kirchencafé, Pariser Str. 4-6.
We celebrate Christian Unity Sunday on 26 January 2014 at the normal worship time. Our guest preacher will be Redemptorist Pater Winfried Pauly from Bochum Hustadt.
Cameroon-German author Theodor Michael will read from his book “Deutsch sein und schwarz dazu” in Bochum’s Christuskirche today: 26 January (start 17:00 hrs). Admission: € 5 (free up to the age of 25).
Our six-week series of Bible Studies on “God’s gifts; our gifts” begins on Wednesday 22 January 2014 at 19:30 hrs (church halls).
Wednesday, 25 December at 12:30 hrs: Christmas Day worship / Holy Communion.
Tuesday, 24 December at 19:30 hrs: Christmas Eve candlelight communion.
Sunday, 15 December at 12:30 hrs: Christmas Pageant (relive the Story). Christmas Pageant, starting 12.30 h Play your own part in bringing alive the Christmas story – as Mary, Joseph, a shepherd, sheep, angel, king, donkey!
Sing-along Concert 2013
Annual General
Meeting will be held next Sunday 24
November 2013 after worship. Please bring
along food to share in our pot-luck buffet.
“THRIVE Real faith: Real life” Youth
conference in Luxembourg 31 October to 3
November for school youth aged 14-19.
Please ask Pastor Jimmy for more details.
“God: Community: Neighbours”
Worship on Sunday 8 September will
begin at 12 noon: bilingual ecumenical
worship at the Cowherd statue as part of the
Bochumer Musiksommer festival.
The Sparkassen Giro 2013 cycle race from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Sunday 28 July (route: Königsallee, Südring, Bongard Boulevard, Viktoriastraße) will restrict access to the Pauluskirche. Please make alternative travel and/or parking arrangements.
Gemeindefest at the Pauluskirche: on Saturday 29 June from noon till late and on Sunday 30 June bilingual festive worship at the earlier time of 11 a.m.
“Why Sing Psalms?” workshops will be
led by our Scottish guest Mark MacLeod on
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday
of this coming week. Please take one of the
special flyers with details of times & venues.