RUB Worship
RUB Worship in English on Tuesday 14
May at 18:00 hrs in St. Augustinus Church,
Kirchenforum, Uni-Center Querenburg.
RUB Worship in English on Tuesday 14
May at 18:00 hrs in St. Augustinus Church,
Kirchenforum, Uni-Center Querenburg.
Bible Study Series on Christian Giving
Session 1: Genesis 1:14-19,
Psalm 90:1-17 and Ecclesiastes 3:1-8.
Good Friday
Holy Communion
Maundy Thursday
Holy Communion
Food and the Bible #7: “Food for the
Road” on Tuesday 19 March at 7 pm
Palm Sunday, 24 March at 12.30
Palm Procession – Christ’s entry into Jerusalem
Food and the Bible: Session #3: “Water”
on Tuesday 19 February at 7 pm hosted by
the Dehling Family, Uhlandstr. 60: You are
personally invited to attend these sessions.
Food and the Bible: the new Bible Study
series starts Tuesday 5 February at 7 pm
hosted by the Dehling Family, Uhlandstr. 60.
The Joyful Singers have resumed
practices after the Christmas break. Next
rehearsal is on Friday 18 January at 7 pm in
the smaller Upstairs Hall. Please contact
Ojong Tabot-Ojong for further details.
ECC Choir rehearsals have also resumed.
Next practice is on Wednesday 16 January
at 6 pm in the church. New singers welcome!
Sunday, 6 January 2013, 12:30 hrs
Epiphany Sunday – Holy Communion
Sunday, 30 December, 12:30 hrs Last Sunday of the Year
Iona-style Liturgy of Prayers for Healing