Bible Studies
Bible Studies are offered on a regular basis at the ECC, each series taking a different approach to the Biblical texts.
Usually three or four 7-10 week series are offered in the course of a year, and these would normally take place in the autumn, in the Advent and Christmas season, during Lent, or from Easter to Pentecost.
In the past, our Bible Studies have included thematic material on peace and justice (supplied by Christian Aid in the UK), a study of the Gospel of Mark, approaches to Scripture via art and painting, examination of dreams and visions in the Old and New Testaments, a 10-week series incorporating short DVD lectures by Professor Marcus Borg entitled “Discovering the Bible Again for the First Time”, exploration of the Lamb symbolism in the Revelation of St. John, the Jewish background of Jesus’ Parables, and the Christmas story in poetry and song.