486 Forgive our sins as we forgive
Most worshippers say that singing is a very important part of any Sunday service. Our hymnbook, the Church Hymnary (Fourth Edition) published in 2005, is a rich resource of songs for worship and includes many favourite hymns. In order to enhance our repertoire, our congregation learns a new song each month. Our “Hymn of the Month” is sung every Sunday and helps enrich our sung worship.
486 Forgive our sins as we forgive
March 9 – O God, my refuge, keep me safe (Tune: Wetherby)
253 – Inspired by love and anger
January 105 Glory to God above
December 287 No wind at the window
November 573 Jesus Saviour, Lord, now to you I fly (Saranam)
October 258 When the hungry who have nothing (Cuando el Pobre)
September 156 Sing to the Lord with all of your heart (Awaken the dawn)
August 256 May the God of hope go with us every day
July 539 I want Jesus to walk with me