June 235 God is working his purpose out
Most worshippers say that singing is a very important part of any Sunday service. Our hymnbook, the Church Hymnary (Fourth Edition) published in 2005, is a rich resource of songs for worship and includes many favourite hymns. In order to enhance our repertoire, our congregation learns a new song each month. Our “Hymn of the Month” is sung every Sunday and helps enrich our sung worship.
June 235 God is working his purpose out
May 655 For your generous providing https://audioboom.com/posts/2256755-holy-manna
April 427 Alleluia! Alleluia! Hearts to heaven https://youtu.be/7ezuuH7fKYo
March 396 2 And can it be, that I should gain (Tune Sagina)
February 357 This is my will, my new command
January 135 O laughing Light, O first-born of creation (Tune Christe Sanctorum)
December 282 Christmas is coming, the church is glad to sing (currently no YouTube video available)
November 749 Soon and very soon, we are going to see the King
October 497 Almighty Father of all things that be
September 176 Let’s sing unto the Lord