I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I hope. (Psalm 130:5, NRSV)
(Moravian Daily Texts: https://www.moravian.org/daily_texts/)
A Prayer in Times of Crisis written by Scottish Church Leaders (adapted)
For all that is good in life, thank you,
For the love of family and friends, thank you,
For the kindness of good neighbour and Samaritan stranger, thank you.
May those who are vulnerable, hungry or homeless experience support,
May those who are sick know healing,
May those who are anxious or bereaved sense comfort.
Bless and guide political leaders and decision-makers with wisdom,
Bless and guide health workers and key workers with strength and well-being,
Bless and guide each one of us as we adapt to a new way of living.
And across road and alley, mountain and valley, sea strait and isle
may the light of your love shine in our hearts and hands and hopes.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.
Bible reading:
Ezekiel 37:1-14 (The Valley of Dry Bones)
The Bible Gateway website includes further translations in English and many other languages.
Through the love of God, our Saviour (Church Hymnary, No. 562)
Edith Maafo:
Sing-along version:
(There are plenty more versions on YouTube, many by African singers)
Our weekly offerings during worship are our congregation’s main source of income. The corona crisis has put a stop to this, so please consider making any donations by bank transfer in order that the ECC may continue to cover ongoing costs. Bank account details are shown below. Thank you.
Iona Abbey Worship Book (adapted)
May the God of Peace inspire us,
may the God of Justice empower us,
may the God of Hope encourage us
to live the Good News.
May we go in the power of the Spirit
into the unknown week that lies ahead of us,
seeking not to escape God’s world, but to engage with it,
seeking to live hopefully, as people of resurrection.
‘Words of wisdom’ (Biblical, serious, jocular) received this past week:
In you our ancestors trusted: they trusted, and you delivered them.
To you they cried, and were saved;
in you they trusted, and were not put to shame. (Psalm 22:4+5, NRSV)
We are not engaging in ‘social-distancing’;
we are engaged in ‘physical distancing’ while remaining social.
(Cormac Russell, Managing Director of Nurture Development)
Link: https://www.nurturedevelopment.org/
In Germany they are preparing for the crisis by stocking up with sausage and cheese.
That’s the Wurst Käse scenario. (joke shared on social media)
Bank Account “Englische Gemeinde”
IBAN: DE89 4305 0001 0001 4132 36
(Sparkasse Bochum)