Watchword for the Week:
So if you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above,
where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.
(Colossians 3:1, NRSV)
(Moravian Daily Texts:

Morning has broken (Church Hymnary, No. 212)
[Click at the bottom right of the YouTube screenshot to enter and exit full screen.]
Sing-along version: 

Prayer: We are Easter People
(from Geoffrey Duncan (Ed.), Let Justice Roll Down, A Christian Aid / CAFOD Anthology for Lent, Holy Week & Easter)

We are Easter people,
Ours is an Easter faith,
The yeast is rising in our hearts
Our wine has vintage taste –
Christ is risen,
Christ is risen,
Risen in our lives.

We are an Easter people,
Ours is an Easter faith,
Our tears are freed to flow and heal
Our shattered hopes and hearts –
Christ is risen,
Christ is risen,
Risen in our lives.

We are an Easter people,
Ours is an Easter faith,
Our fears have died, we rise to dream,
To love, to dance, to live –
Christ is risen,
Christ is risen,
Risen in our lives.

Bible reading:
John 20:1-18 (The Empty Tomb)
he Bible Gateway website includes further translations in English and many other languages.

They crucified my Saviour / He rose (Church Hymnary, No. 406)
[Click at the bottom right of the YouTube screenshot to enter and exit full screen.]
Sing-along version

Reflection: Deconstructing corona

Crown him with many crowns (Church Hymnary, No. 459)
[Click at the bottom right of the YouTube screenshot to enter and exit full screen.]
Sing-along version:

Prayer: Risen Lord
(from Geoffrey Duncan (Ed.), Let Justice Roll Down, A Christian Aid / CAFOD Anthology for Lent, Holy Week & Easter)

Risen Lord,
You love us,
You call us,
You change us.
Let us recognise your coming
However gently or dramatically you approach us.
Let us recognise your coming
Whoever you use to make yourself known to us.
Let us recognise your coming
Whatever time or situation your use to approach us.
Let us recognise your compassionate emergence
Into the dark places of our lives,
Your generous summons which you constantly utter,
Your transforming touch upon the bleak places of our world.
Lord of life, or hope, of resurrection,
We make our prayer in your name.

I danced in the morning / Lord of the Dance (Church Hymnary, No. 404)
[Click at the bottom right of the YouTube screenshot to enter and exit full screen.]
Sing-along version

Peace: Peace be with you!

(from Terry C. Falla, Be Our Freedom, Lord: Responsive Prayers and Readings for Contemporary Worship)

Crucified and risen one,
you are behind us,
we do not have to turn around.
You are in front of us,
we are walking towards you.
You are beside us,
more than any abyss and any mountain.
We return to the road
and know that you are there.

Postlude Hymn:
Thine be the glory, risen, conquering Son (Church Hymnary, No. 419)
[Click at the bottom right of the YouTube screenshot to enter and exit full screen.]
Sing-along version


Long before the corona crisis, the Church of Scotland began offering an online pioneer ministry resource called Sanctuary First. It includes daily worship ( as well as pastoral support for a great many topics and life situations.

Our weekly offerings during worship are our congregation’s main source of income. The corona crisis has put a stop to this, so please consider making donations by bank transfer in order that the ECC may continue to cover ongoing costs. Bank account details are shown below. Thank you.

Although all public gatherings, including worship, are still impossible due to corona restrictions, the Pauluskirche remains open Tuesday to Friday from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. and on Sunday from 10 a.m. till noon for private prayer. If you do choose to visit the church, please observe the general restrictions (especially physical distancing, etc.) which still remain in place.


Bank Account “Englische Gemeinde”
IBAN: DE89 4305 0001 0001 4132 36
(Sparkasse Bochum)