Reader 1:
Come in, come in, you are welcome,
make yourselves at home,
greet your neighbours and your friends,
only don’t take off your coats or your shoes
Reader 2:
Come in, come in, you are welcome,
make yourselves at home,
greet your neighbours and your friends,
only we might need to eat quite quickly
Reader 3:
Come in, come in, you are welcome,
make yourselves at home,
greet your neighbours and your friends,
only we might need to leave before we finish
Hymn: Here in this place / Gather us in
Here in this place new light is streaming,
now is the darkness vanished away,
see in this space our fears and our dreaming,
brought here to you in the light of this day.
Gather us in, the lost and forsaken,
gather us in, the blind and the lame:
call us to now, and we shall awaken,
we shall arise at the sound of your name.
Here we will take the wine and the water,
here we will take the bread of new birth,
here you shall call your sons and your daughters,
call us anew to be salt of the earth.
Give us to drink the wine of compassion,
give us to eat the bread that is you;
nourish us well, and teach us to fashion
lives that are holy and hearts that are true.
Not in the dark of buildings confining,
not in some heaven, light years away, but
here in this place the new light is shining,
now is the Kingdom, now is the day.
Gather us in and hold us for ever,
gather us in and make us your own;
gather is in, all peoples together,
fire of love in our flesh and our bone.
Reader 1:
for tonight we remember the story of Passover
where home was not a place of safety
where the people lived in fear and were not free
Reader 2:
for tonight we remember the story of Passover
where home was not a place of safety, where at
any moment you might have to up and flee
Reader 3:
for tonight we remember the story of Passover
where home was not a place of safety,
quick, grab what you can carry and go
Scripture Reading
Exodus, Chapter 12, verses 1-4 and 11-14
Brief reflection on the Exodus reading
Reader 1:
and as we remember, we pray for those today
who have to grab what they can and go,
for those fleeing war and violence
only to arrive at closed borders
Reader 2:
and as we remember, we pray for those today
who have to grab what they can and go,
for those making treacherous journeys carrying
children and their possessions in a few bags
Reader 3:
and as we remember, we pray for those today
who have to grab what they can and go,
for those who are out in the cold,
making their home in a city of tents
Scripture Reading
Psalm 116, verses 1-4 and 12-19
Brief reflection on the Psalm
Hymn: For everyone born, a place at the table
For everyone born, a place at the table,
for everyone born, clean water and bread,
a shelter, a space, a safe place for growing,
for everyone born, a star overhead.
And God will delight
when we are creators of justice and joy,
yes, God will delight when we are creators
of justice, justice and joy!
For just and unjust a place at the table,
abuser, abused, with need to forgive,
in anger, in hurt, a mind-set of mercy,
for just and unjust, a new way to live.
And God will delight…
For everyone born, a place at the table,
to live without fear, and simply to be,
to work, to speak out, to witness and worship,
for everyone born, the right to be free.
And God will delight…
Scripture Reading
1st Corinthians, Chapter 11, verses 23-26
Brief reflection on the 1st Corinthians 11
Reader 1:
And so we too are gathered.
On this evening in Holy Week, we have
looked back to Passover and remembered
those who have to grab everything and go
Reader 2:
And now we meet as a new kind of community;
a community where all are welcome
and all have a place to live in safety;
where all can gather round the one table
Reader 3:
We remember the train of events that led Jesus
through Gethsemane to the cross outside the
city walls, the price he pays for daring
to live God’s vision of shalom,
of healing and peace here on earth
Breaking bread and pouring wine
For this is my body broken for you.
For this is my blood poured out for you.
Do this in memory of me
Sharing bread and wine