Watchword for the Week:
Cast all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you. (1 Peter 5:7, NRSV)
(Moravian Daily Texts:

Church bells and organ prelude: Bach, Prelude in G Minor (BWV 558)

Bible reading: Acts 1:1-14 (Dear Theophilus) Reader: Robert Haworth
(right mouse-click on the Bible Gateway link to ‘open in a new tab’ while listening to the audio file) 

Hymn: In Christ there is no east or west (Church Hymnary, No. 624)

Gospel reading: John 17:1-11 (Jesus Prays for his Disciples)
(right mouse-click on the Bible Gateway link to ‘open in a new tab’ while listening to the audio file)

Reflection: Envisaging the Invisible

Hymn: Shine, Jesus, shine! (Church Hymnary, No. 448)


Prayers for Others

Blessing and organ postlude: Sigfrid Karg-Elert, Prelude: Christe, du Lamm Gottes (Op. 78, No. 5)


The Pauluskirche remains open, as it has done throughout the lockdown, on Tuesday to Friday from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. and on Sunday from 10 a.m. till noon for private prayer. If you do choose to visit the church, please observe the general restrictions (physical distancing, etc.) which still remain in place.

If you have any problems accessing items of digital worship in today’s toolkit, please get in touch. It is also always good to have feedback on our worship toolkits (via the website contact) as well as your suggestions as to what you would like to see. The online team (currently Marcel, Jimmy, Michelle, Sebastian) is keen to develop and improve the ECC’s online offerings.

The global prayer project Thy Kingdom Come has been up and running since Thursday 21 May (Ascension Day) and will continue until 31 May 2020 (Pentecost Sunday). In response to COVID-19, it has prayer and care as one of its key themes. More information on the project and on various resources connected with it at:

Our weekly offerings during worship are our congregation’s main source of income. The corona crisis has put a stop to this, so please consider making donations by bank transfer in order that the ECC may continue to cover ongoing costs. Bank account details are shown below. Thank you.


Bank Account “Englische Gemeinde”
IBAN: DE89 4305 0001 0001 4132 36
(Sparkasse Bochum)

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