Organ Prelude Potpourri of Christmas Songs

Lani Smith (b. 1934)

Welcome and introduction

Text “Singing is good for you”

[Heart Research, UK]

People Good Christians, all rejoice

[Please stand]

Good Christians, all rejoice

with heart and soul and voice;

now give heed to what we say,

Jesus Christ is born today:

ox and ass before him bow,

and he is in the manger now.

Christ is born today!

Christ is born today!

Good Christians, all rejoice

with heart and soul and voice;

now you hear of endless bliss,

Jesus Christ was born for this:

he has opened heaven’s door,

and all are blessed for evermore.

Christ was born for this!

Christ was born for this!

Good Christians, all rejoice

with heart and soul and voice;

now you need not fear the grave,

Jesus Christ was born to save,

calls you one and calls you all,

to gain his everlasting hall.

Christ was born to save!

Christ was born to save!

Reader The tradition of the Jesse Tree


Choir Es ist ein Ros entsprungen [Praetorius]

Christmas Lullaby [John Rutter]

Guitar Soloist

Mary, did you know?

Walk with me

Hallelujah! (Christmas version)

Youth Choir In the bleak midwinter

The Wassail Song

Chorus: Love and joy come to you,

and to you your wassail, too;

and God bless you and send you

a Happy New Year; and God send

you a Happy New Year.

Kids’ Choir This little light of mine

Jesus Christ has come down to earth

[A “Santa Claus is coming” remix]

Little drummer boy

People God rest you merry, gentlemen

God rest you merry, gentlemen,

let nothing you dismay,

remember Christ, our Saviour,

was born on Christmas Day,

to save us all from Satan’s power

when we were gone astray.

O tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and

joy; O tidings of comfort and joy!

From God, our heavenly Father,

a blessed angel came;

and unto certain shepherds

brought tidings of the same:

how that in Bethlehem was born

the Son of God by name.

O tidings of comfort and joy…

Now to the Lord sing praises,

all you within this place,

and with true love and brotherhood

each other now embrace;

this holy tide of Christmas

doth bring redeeming grace.

O tidings of comfort and joy…

Reader “Deck the hall with holy holly”

[“Christmas Watching” by Desmond Morris]

Choir + People Deck the hall

Verse 1 – choir a cappella

Verse 2 and 3 – choir + people

See the blazing yule before us

Fa-la-la-la-la, la la-la-la

Strike the harp and join the chorus

Fa-la-la-la-la, la la-la-la

Follow me in joyous measure

Fa-la-la-la-la, la la-la-la

While I tell of yuletide treasure

Fa-la-la-la-la, la la-la-la

Fast away the old year passes,

Fa-la-la-la-la, la la-la-la

Hail the new, ye lads and lasses,

Fa-la-la-la-la, la la-la-la

Sing we joyous all together,

Fa-la-la-la-la, la la-la-la

Heedless of the wind and weather

Fa-la-la-la-la, la la-la-la

ECC Choir Ding dong, merrily on high

Reader “Kissing under the mistletoe”

[“Christmas Watching” by Desmond Morris]

Joyful Singers Mistletoe and Wine


Christmas time, mistletoe and wine

Children singing Christian rhyme;

with logs on the fire and gifts on the tree,

time to rejoice in the good that we see.

Baboti – We are praising God

On Christmas night, all Christians sing

Verse 4 – choir + people

Which made the angels sing this night;

All out of darkness we have light

Which made the angels sing this night:

“Glory to God and peace to men,

Now and forevermore. Amen.”

Noel, noel (Birth of Jesus)

Joint Choirs + People O du Fröhliche

Verse 1 – choirs + people

O du fröhliche, o du selige,

gnadenbringende Weihnachtszeit.

Welt ging verloren, Christ ist geboren:

Freue, freue dich, o Christenheit.

Verse 2 – choirs a cappella

Verse 3 – choirs + people

O du fröhliche, o du selige,

gnadenbringende Weihnachtszeit.

Himmlische Heere jauchzen dir Ehre:

Freue, freue dich, o Christenheit.

Invitation Christmas Events

Choirs + People Joy to the world

Verse 1 – choir

Verse 2 and 3 – choir + people

Joy to the world, the Saviour reigns!

Let all their songs employ;

while fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains

repeat the sounding joy,

repeat the sounding joy,

repeat, repeat the sounding joy..

He rules the world with truth and grace,

and makes the nations prove

the glories of his righteousness

and wonders of his love,

and wonders of his love,

and wonder, wonders of his love.

Reader Psalm 96:7-13

Joint Choirs Tollite hostias, et adorate

[Camille Saint-Saëns: Oratorio de Noël]

Latin text of Psalm 96:8-9

You have been entertained tonight by:

Congregational choirs: ECC Choir, The Joyful

Singers, Youth Choir, Kids’ Church Choir,

Guest choir from Essen-Werden

Choir directors: Ropudani Simanjuntak,

Debbie Hubweber, Maria Adouakou

Instrumentalists: Ingeborg Maiwald (Organ),

Eddie Marczewski (Guitar), Joanna Masa

(Violin) Readers: Katherine Masa and others

An offering will be gathered on the

way out of church tonight.

Please give generously.